Anxiety looks different for every person, but there are common symptoms that people exhibit when they’re highly anxious. Do any of these look familiar to you?
You are constantly thinking and overthinking—and sometimes, they’re the same thoughts over and over.
You’re having a hard time falling asleep at night.
You have on-going digestive issues; you and your doctor can’t find a reason for them.
You struggle with perfectionism.
You frequently feel restless, like you want to jump out of your skin.
You have a sense of impending doom.
Life sometimes just feels hard, like you’re wading through mud.
You’re tired a lot.
You have panic attacks.
You have rigid daily routines that you stick to religiously.
Your appetite is affected by anxiety—you are more hungry or less hungry than usual.
You have stiff, sore, or tight muscles (especially in your neck).
You are always preparing for the worst-case scenario.
Making decisions is really, really hard.
You are easily irritated with the people around you—and your moods are all over the place.
Anxiety has the power to greatly impact our daily lives. The good news is, you don’t have to live with anxiety. You can literally rewire brain with hypnosis to surf life’s ups and downs with ease. No longer will life feel like a constant uphill battle—instead, a day full of previously anxiety-ridden activities will pass and you will look back and think, “Oh my gosh, I didn’t feel a blip of anxiety.”
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