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15 Common Symptoms of Anxiety


15 Common Symptoms of Anxiety

Anxiety looks different for every person, but there are common symptoms that people exhibit when they’re highly anxious. Do any of these look familiar to you? You are constantly thinking and overthinking—and sometimes, they’re the same thoughts over and over. You’re having a hard time falling asleep at night. You have on-going digestive issues; you and your doctor can’t find...[ read more ]

Neuroscience Part 2: The Magical Theta Wave

BRAIN WAVES AND YOU This is a love letter to the theta wave. Hopefully it doesn’t get too sappy. Our brains generate electricity. According to an article in Scientific American, our brains can generate as much as 10 watts of electrical power. In other words, your brain could power 1/4 of a 40 watt lightbulb! Isn’t that exciting? (Answer: Sort...[ read more ]

What Can Hypnoanalysis Treat?

So, what can hypnoanalysis treat? In order to answer that question, we have to take a look at how hypnoanalysis works. Hypnoanalysis is the most advanced form of therapeutic hypnosis that has the capability to identify and heal the underlying cause of your problem. Hypnoanalysis differs from both traditional talk therapies and hypnotherapy. Traditional talk therapies do not access the...[ read more ]

The Neuroscience of Hypnosis: Part 1

What in the world is going on in your brain when you’re in a state of hypnosis? There is a growing field of research looking at the neuroscience of hypnosis—and the results are both promising and very, very cool. One of my favorite studies looked at the brains of highly hypnotizable people, and what parts of the brain are altered...[ read more ]

What A Typical Hypnosis Session Looks Like In My Office

You’ve decided you want to give hypnotherapy a whirl, and you’re probably have a lot of questions like: how does a hypnoanalyst (aka Brita the hypnoanalyst) hypnotize me? What sort of equipment does the hypnoanalyst use? What does a typical therapy session look like in a hypnoanalyst’s office? These, my friends, are great questions. My goal for this blog post...[ read more ]

How You Can Use Grounding to Flourish

Grounding is an umbrella term for a set of tools to reduce anxiety. (But turns out, grounding or “earthing” is the idea that an important factor in health is walking around barefoot. There’s some cool scientific research behind it. The more you know, I guess!) I digress! When a negative thought pops into our mind, our brains (specifically our amygdala)...[ read more ]

Demystifying Hypnosis Terminology

There are A LOT of words floating around the internet that hypnotherapists use to describe their practice. In this blog post, I am going to break down some hypnosis terminology that I use on my website and what each term means. I use very specific word choices when I am writing about hypnosis, so hopefully this is a helpful guide!...[ read more ]

Busting 5 Common Myths about Hypnosis

Hypnosis has a weird reputation, though said reputation is largely undeserved. To a lot of people, the word “hypnosis” conjures things like: someone swinging a gold medallion and chanting, “You’re getting very sleepy”; a diabolical therapist in Get Out clinking her spoon on the edges of a tea cup; people quacking their way across a stage. Like many of you,...[ read more ]

#MentalHealthAwarenessWeek and My Story

Hello! Welcome to the FIRST OFFICIAL POST ON MY BLOG. (I’m not shouting—I’m just excited). It’s Mental Health Awareness Week (and technically Mental Health Awareness Month but this week is the BIG ONE). This week is dedicated to talking about mental health and reducing stigma around mental health issues. So, since this is both my first blog post and Mental...[ read more ]

715 Hill Street Suite 260B
Madison, WI 53705

(608) 571-7289

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