Request a Consultation: Call or Text: 608-571-7289

Counseling for College Students

Counseling for College Students

Being a college student is one of the most exciting and trying times of your life. Sometimes it seems like the learning curve is incredibly steep. Not only are you learning how to study and take exams at a collegiate level, you are also navigating brand new social scenes and situations. You may also be living away from home for the first time, which presents its own set of challenges. Do any of these apply to you?:

  • Feeling like you’re not good enough

  • Feeling overwhelmed or anxious

  • Feeling pressure to perform

Are you ready to get confident in your skin and feel capable of handling this new phase of your life? College is a time of transformation and change. It’s time for you to enjoy college and start discovering who you are—as well as having a bit of fun. If you are ready to transform your college experience, please contact me for your complimentary phone consultation.

715 Hill Street Suite 260B
Madison, WI 53705

(608) 571-7289

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