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Meditation: Accepting Emotions

Meditation: Accepting Emotions

So lately I have realllyyyyyy gotten into Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). There are 6 processes that ACT teaches in order to foster psychological flexibility. One of those 6 processes is called acceptance. The goal of acceptance is to allow emotions, thoughts, and other sensations and experiences to simply be there — rather than fight or try to get rid of them.

Honestly, we have very little control over what sensations our bodies are experiencing that we then name as emotions. All we really can do is allow them to be there. (Have you ever tried to change your emotions? It’s kinda like when someone says, “Well, why don’t you just stop feeling depressed?” and you want to reply, “Why, yes, I hadn’t even THOUGHT of trying that.”) So, acceptance is super powerful in creating peace and neutrality with strong emotions that come into our bodies. No longer are we wrestling with our emotions, but letting them come and then go.

Try out this meditation and let me know what you think.


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715 Hill Street Suite 260B
Madison, WI 53705

(608) 571-7289

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