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My 4 Favorite Non-Fiction Books from 2019

My 4 Favorite Non-Fiction Books from 2019

The year 2019 produced some really amazing non-fiction books—like whoa, stop what you’re doing, can you believe this?! types of books. I wanted to share my 4 favorites with you. Another caveat: some of my favorite non-fiction books were Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl and Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport, but I didn’t include those on this list because I’ve already shared them with the book club. I hope you check out at least one of these books—your brain, heart, and soul will thank you.


I binged this entire book in a day. This is a book of essays discussing topics including social media, Amazon, religion, and weddings plus much, much more. Jia Tolentino might be one of the most intelligent, thoughtful essayists of our time. She is sharp, witty, and insightful—and she doesn’t pull any punches when critiquing both sides of the political aisle (which is something I always appreciate). I laughed and I definitely cried. It’s one of those books where you run around telling all your friends about it and then buy a copy for your sister (from the local bookstore—for reasons you’ll understand when you read the book).


This lovely, lovely book assuages the fears of every person in their mid-20s who feels dazed and confused by their career and future. After exploring the careers of successful artists, athletes, entrepreneurs, and leaders, Epstein finds that the path to success is far more winding than people like to admit. His advice? First, he says that you are not behind. And second, try the next best thing. If something isn’t working for you in your career right now, try the next best thing that seems exciting to you. You can only figure out what’s a good fit for your by trying it. So, Epstein says, try as much as you can. Seriously, read this book if you’re feeling lost or unhappy in your career or another aspect of your life. You’re doing just fine, and you’re certainly not behind.


Okay, so this book really rocked my world. Pollan is well known for his books about food but somehow he found himself writing an entire book about psychedelics. He explores pretty much everything you’d want to know about the subject. Professionally, the most interesting aspect of the book was the amazing healing powers of psychedelics for a range of mental health issues, from depression to addiction. But the rest of the book is equally fascinating—from exploring the history of psychedelics (and the amazing historical actors therein) to hunting the psilocybin mushroom in the wild. The biggest takeaway from the book? When person after person described their experience with psychedelics, they all said things along the lines of: “It’s all love.”


Pretty much every person on earth has a wounded inner child. The wounded inner child is a little part of ourselves who was hurt in the past and has unresolved pain. Thich Naht Hanh (who is pretty much the go to Buddhist guy) teaches us how to heal our inner child and move past our pain into a bright, vibrant future. I loved this book, especially the practical tips and exercises for bringing ourselves into the present moment. A must read!

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